Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 15


Who shall tow'rd thy chosen feat
Turn in glad approach his feet?
Who shall at thine Altars bend?
Who to Sion 's Hill ascend?
Who, great God, a welcome Guest,
On that hallow'd Mountain rest? —
He whose heart thy Love has warm'd,
He whose Will, to thine conform'd,
Bids his Life unsullied run;
He whose word and thought are one.


He who ne'er with cruel aim
Seeks to wound an honest fame,
Nor with gloomy joy possess'd
Can a Brother's peace molest,
Or to Slander's tongue severe
Stoops with easy faith his ear:
Who from servile terror free
Spurns at those who spurn at Thee,
And to each who Thee obeys
Love and lowliest rev'rence pays.


What he swears, with stedfast will
To his loss he shall fulfil,
Nor by avaricious loan
Make the poor man's bread his own;
Nor can bribes his sentence guide
'Gainst the guiltless to decide.
He who thus, with heart unstain'd,
Treads the path by Thee ordain'd,
He, great God, shall own thy care,
And thy constant blessing share.
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