Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 67


May God his fav'ring ear incline,
And bid his face on Israel shine,
That All thy counsels, Lord, may know,
Where Earth extends, or Oceans flow,
And, thankful, to their wondring eyes
Behold thy wish'd Salvation rise.
To Thee, of life th' eternal Spring,
Invisible, All-potent King,
One chorus let the Nations raise,
One shout of universal praise.


Ye distant Realms your voice employ
In songs of gratitude and joy;
Exult each. Tribe, exult each Land;
Heav'n's mighty Lord with equal hand
The balance holds, and Earth's domain
Shall own to latest age his reign.
To Thee, of life th' eternal Spring,
Invisible, All-potent King,
One chorus let the Nations raise,
One shout of universal praise.


So, warm'd by genial funs, the field
With full increase its fruits shall yield,
And God, thy God, O Israel , shed
His choicest blessings on thy head.
God shall on us his blessings show'r,
And Man's whole race revere his pow'r.
To Thee, of life th' eternal Spring,
Invisible, All-potent King,
One chorus let the Nations raise,
One shout of universal praise.
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