Vertue consists in Action; which consists
Vertue consists in Action; which consists
In doing That which Vertue doth command;
But this iniurious World the same resists,
Whose Actions are perform'd by Vices Band.
Then, hardly can the Willing, weake in Act,
Shew forth the vertue of their actiue Will;
But that the World their vertue will coact
To act the Part of Vice with greater skill.
Then, let the Willing-weake the World forgoe,
And act the parts of Vertue, where, alone,
God, and his Angels, may their Actions know;
So shall they be beloued, prais'd and knowne:
" For, cleere is muddy water standing still,
" But being stirr'd, it looke like Puddle will!
And, hide me in the wildest Waste or Wood,
Yet Fame will find me out if I be good
In doing That which Vertue doth command;
But this iniurious World the same resists,
Whose Actions are perform'd by Vices Band.
Then, hardly can the Willing, weake in Act,
Shew forth the vertue of their actiue Will;
But that the World their vertue will coact
To act the Part of Vice with greater skill.
Then, let the Willing-weake the World forgoe,
And act the parts of Vertue, where, alone,
God, and his Angels, may their Actions know;
So shall they be beloued, prais'd and knowne:
" For, cleere is muddy water standing still,
" But being stirr'd, it looke like Puddle will!
And, hide me in the wildest Waste or Wood,
Yet Fame will find me out if I be good
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