
Midnight and moonlight encircle her slumbers,
Pillowed, afar, on the wandering deep:
Softly, ah softly, with tenderest numbers,
Echoes of paradise, lull her to sleep!

Stars in your lustre, and clouds in your fleetness,
Mix round the gallant ship, breasting the gale!
Shed your sweet influence over her sweetness!
Guard every pinion and bless every sail!

Billows, roll gently, that bear on your bosom
Treasure more precious than infinite gold—
Beauty in spring-time, and love in its blossom,
All that my hungry heart longs to enfold.

Ocean, that breaks on the rocks where I languish,
Blessing and prayer on your surges to pour,
Like in your might, to my passionate anguish,
Shield her, and save her, and waft her to shore!

Angels, that float in the heavenly spaces,
Ah, while you guide her through perils unknown,
Still let the light of your beautiful faces
Shine on her face that is fair as your own!

Violets, welcome her! roses, adore her,—
Blushing with rapture from mountain to sea!
Lilies, flash out on the meadows before her,
Sparkle in glory, and ripple in glee!

Proudly she comes, like the pageant of morning
Borne through the pearl-purpled gates of the day!
Darkness and sorrow, consumed in her scorning,
Shrink from her splendor and vanish away.

Scattered o'er mountain and forest and river,
Far the dark phantoms of trouble are hurled:
She will illuminate, she will deliver,
She will redeem and transfigure the world!
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