By viewing nature, nature's handmaid, art

By viewing Nature, Natures Hand-maid, Art,
Makes mighty things from small beginnings grow:
Thus fishes first to shipping did impart
Their tail the Rudder, and their head the Prow.

Some Log, perhaps, upon the waters swam
An useless drift, which, rudely cut within,
And hollow'd, first a floating trough became,
And cross some Riv'let passage did begin.

In shipping such as this the Irish Kern,
And untaught Indian, on the stream did glide:
Ere sharp-keel'd Boats to stem the floud did learn,
Or fin-like Oars did spread from either side.

Adde but a Sail, and Saturn so appear'd,
When, from lost Empire, he to Exile went,
And with the Golden age to Tyber steer'd,
Where Coin & first Commerce he did invent.

Rude as their Ships was Navitgation, then;
No useful Compass or Meridian known:
Coasting, they kept the Land within their ken,
And knew no North but when the Pole-star shone.

Of all who since have us'd the open Sea,
Then the bold English none more fame have won:
Beyond the Year, and out of Heav'ns high-way,
They make discoveries where they see no Sun.

But what so long in vain, and yet unknown,
By poor man-kinds benighted wit is sought,
Shall in this Age to Britain first be shown,
And hence be to admiring Nations taught.

The Ebbs of Tydes, and their mysterious flow,
We, as Arts Elements shall understand:
And as by Line upon the Ocean go,
Whose paths shall be familiar as the Land.

Instructed ships shall sail to quick Commerce;
By which remotest Regions are alli'd:
Which makes one City of the Universe,
Where some may gain, and all may be suppli'd.

Then, we upon our Globes last verge shall go,
And view the Ocean leaning on the sky:
From thence our rolling Neighbours we shall know,
And on the Lunar world securely pry.
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