Vigiliae Quartae & Ultimae -
The tast of all ioies in societie
The sicke world felt a little satisfie:
The garland, and the Iuie-twisted lance,
Put on, and tost were, by the God of dance.
Vulcan guilt houses, th'Elutherian feast
Of all the liberals: now paid Rites to rest.
Songs, Hymeneals, all the cares of day
Tumults, and quarrels, turnd to peace and play.
Representation, that the Chymists part
Plaies in her pastimes, now turnd with her Art
This Iron world into the goulden age,
Earths antient worthes, showing on her stage:
Where those sweete swarmes that tast no crabbed lacks
Hang thicke, with all their honnie on their backs,
Imbrac't with musicke, and the pride of wit:
Silence much more in solemne state doth sit
In that faire concourse, with an Actors voice,
Then where Rich Law insults, still vext with noise,
And where nine Herolds could not crowne her peace,
One Prologue here, puts on her wreath with ease.
Loue ioies began to burne; and all did rise
To giue the thriftlesse euening sacrifice.
Then went the muses, virtues, graces on,
The Herse, and Toombe, the croune to set vpon
Of this most endlesse noble Lord deceast,
And to his soules ioy, and his bodies rest
A Hymne aduance, which to the Trumpe of Fame,
Poore Poesie sung; Her euery other dame
(Th'ingenuous Muses) ringing out, the Chore;
Fame sounded; Poesie, sung the part before:
Hymnus ad D. Russelium defunctum:
Rising and setting, let the sunne
Grace whom we honor;
And euer at her full, the Moone
Assume vpon her,
The forme his Noblesse did put on;
In whose Orb, all the vertues shone,
With beames decreasing neuer;
Till faith, in her firme Rocke reposde;
Religion, his lifes Circle closd,
And opened life for euer.
Earth, seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare,
We vow thy Herse,
And breath the flames of soules entire,
Thrice het, with heauens creating fire,
In deathlesse verse.
Russell , Lord Russell , while we pay
Thy name our numbers:
Directed by the eye of day
That neuer slumbers:
May all Heauens Quire of Angels sing,
And glorifie in thee, their king
That death with death subdueth;
While we strike Earths sounds dumbe, and deafe,
And Croune thee with a feastfull leafe
Whose verdure still reneweth.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare,
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare
We vow his Herse;
And breath the flames of soules entire,
Thrice het, with heauens creating fire
In deathles vierse.
Euer O euer may this Eue
That we keepe holy,
Thy name encreasing honors giue,
That serue it solely.
And second with diuine encrease
Thy progenies religious peace,
Zeales Altars euer smoking;
And their true Pieties excite
With full draughts of celestiall light,
Thy vertues still inuoking.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen O heare
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare
We vow his Herse, &c.
Requests that Iustice would fulfill
Great Giuer giue them,
Vniust moodes, make them bridle still
And here, out liue them.
Directly let their zealous praiers
Her eyen ope in their blest affaires,
And of their Noblest Father;
Enable them to fill the Place;
And euery one; proofes of his Race
From his Example gather.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare
These rites of ours that euery yeare
We vow his Herse, &c.
Honors, that vertues keepe in height
With fires deceased;
All know, make vp their Comforts weight,
And them more blessed.
And therefore in thus wishing thine,
We wish the more, thy worth may shine,
Great Grace of all men Noble;
From whose life, faith, and zeale did flow,
In whose death, they shall freshly grow,
And thy blest Race redouble.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, &c.
Monsters, for Nobles, let the Earth,
Bring forth to brand her;
And their Adulterate Beastly Birth
At swindge commaund her.
Yet slaues made to their Lusts, and Hell
They shall but here, like Giants dwell,
And breede but flames, and Thunder
To beate them vnder their owne Hils,
Their sweetes turnd Torments, their Goods, ils,
Thy Race, their Enuies wonder.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, &c.
Exult, and triumph then in all
Thy thoughts intended,
Which heauen did into Ioies exhall
For thee, ascended.
If not a haire, Much lesse a thought
Shall losse claime, of what Goodnesse ought,
But shine in heauen together;
Whose ioies (to truely-studied soules)
Shall shine euen here, like ashe-kept Coles,
Laid open gainst the weather.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, &c.
Knowledge, not fashiond here to feele
Heauens promist pleasure;
In lifes sea, is a turnd-vp Keele
With all her Treasure:
Not One, return'd from Death, to tell
The Ioies of Heauen, the paines of Hell,
Can ad to that relation;
Which (possible impulsions vs'd)
The Soule knowes here: and spirits infus'd,
Farre past her first creation.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, &c.
Infuse this into his deare kinde,
Truth's free vnfolder:
With Fire that first informd the minde,
Now nothing coulder.
For which the Thrice Almighty One:
The Spirit , Sire, and word still done:
Praise giue, that gifts transcendeth.
Despisd soules, Comfort with thy loue:
In whom, with thy first motion moue,
Till in fixt truth it endeth:
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare,
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare,
We vow thy Herse:
And breath the flames of soules intire,
Thrice het with heauens creating Fire,
In deathlesse verse,
Explicit Hymnus.
With this, Eugenia , from her Trance arose
And in her loues assur'd Ioies did repose,
Her Noble Sorrowes, being assur'd with al
That no effect did memorably fall,
From his Renown'd Example, but was found
In his true Sonne, and would in him resound.
Then left she straight Fames loftie region:
Stoop't Earth, and vowd to dwell with him, or None,
Whom since the Muses, Vertues, Graces now,
Of force must follow (sweete Lord) be not you
Carelesse of them, that she esteemd so deare:
For howsoeuer they to Earth appeare,
Where in their Truth they are, and are not prisd,
In them, is true Religion despisd.
Remember your Religious Father then,
And after him: Be you the man of men.
To these, the Night, thus short sem'd, and thus bare
Was euery clamorous worldling, at his care,
Care cried in Citties, and in Countries ror'd:
Now was the soule, a Toie: Her gifts abhor'd,
All Ornament, but brauery, was a staine:
Nought now akinne to wit, but Cosening Gaine.
Crafts, and Deceipts enricht, made Arts so poore:
Which Artists seeing: Rich apparraile wore
And bore out Art, Light's onely made for show
And show for lightnesse; Grauest Booke Men now
Most rich in show bee, for their approbation,
And neuer swagger, but in sacred Fashion.
Looke blancke on good life: and point-blancke on Thrift:
He that is richest, hath the wholiest gift.
In Night Men dreame: Day best showes what is fit;
Learning was made for Gaine, Not Gaine, for it.
Now bellies deafned eares, in euery streete,
And backs bore more then heads, heads more then feete.
Explicit Eugeniae Ecstasis Musa quae Inuidia?
The tast of all ioies in societie
The sicke world felt a little satisfie:
The garland, and the Iuie-twisted lance,
Put on, and tost were, by the God of dance.
Vulcan guilt houses, th'Elutherian feast
Of all the liberals: now paid Rites to rest.
Songs, Hymeneals, all the cares of day
Tumults, and quarrels, turnd to peace and play.
Representation, that the Chymists part
Plaies in her pastimes, now turnd with her Art
This Iron world into the goulden age,
Earths antient worthes, showing on her stage:
Where those sweete swarmes that tast no crabbed lacks
Hang thicke, with all their honnie on their backs,
Imbrac't with musicke, and the pride of wit:
Silence much more in solemne state doth sit
In that faire concourse, with an Actors voice,
Then where Rich Law insults, still vext with noise,
And where nine Herolds could not crowne her peace,
One Prologue here, puts on her wreath with ease.
Loue ioies began to burne; and all did rise
To giue the thriftlesse euening sacrifice.
Then went the muses, virtues, graces on,
The Herse, and Toombe, the croune to set vpon
Of this most endlesse noble Lord deceast,
And to his soules ioy, and his bodies rest
A Hymne aduance, which to the Trumpe of Fame,
Poore Poesie sung; Her euery other dame
(Th'ingenuous Muses) ringing out, the Chore;
Fame sounded; Poesie, sung the part before:
Hymnus ad D. Russelium defunctum:
Rising and setting, let the sunne
Grace whom we honor;
And euer at her full, the Moone
Assume vpon her,
The forme his Noblesse did put on;
In whose Orb, all the vertues shone,
With beames decreasing neuer;
Till faith, in her firme Rocke reposde;
Religion, his lifes Circle closd,
And opened life for euer.
Earth, seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare,
We vow thy Herse,
And breath the flames of soules entire,
Thrice het, with heauens creating fire,
In deathlesse verse.
Russell , Lord Russell , while we pay
Thy name our numbers:
Directed by the eye of day
That neuer slumbers:
May all Heauens Quire of Angels sing,
And glorifie in thee, their king
That death with death subdueth;
While we strike Earths sounds dumbe, and deafe,
And Croune thee with a feastfull leafe
Whose verdure still reneweth.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare,
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare
We vow his Herse;
And breath the flames of soules entire,
Thrice het, with heauens creating fire
In deathles vierse.
Euer O euer may this Eue
That we keepe holy,
Thy name encreasing honors giue,
That serue it solely.
And second with diuine encrease
Thy progenies religious peace,
Zeales Altars euer smoking;
And their true Pieties excite
With full draughts of celestiall light,
Thy vertues still inuoking.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen O heare
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare
We vow his Herse, &c.
Requests that Iustice would fulfill
Great Giuer giue them,
Vniust moodes, make them bridle still
And here, out liue them.
Directly let their zealous praiers
Her eyen ope in their blest affaires,
And of their Noblest Father;
Enable them to fill the Place;
And euery one; proofes of his Race
From his Example gather.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare
These rites of ours that euery yeare
We vow his Herse, &c.
Honors, that vertues keepe in height
With fires deceased;
All know, make vp their Comforts weight,
And them more blessed.
And therefore in thus wishing thine,
We wish the more, thy worth may shine,
Great Grace of all men Noble;
From whose life, faith, and zeale did flow,
In whose death, they shall freshly grow,
And thy blest Race redouble.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, &c.
Monsters, for Nobles, let the Earth,
Bring forth to brand her;
And their Adulterate Beastly Birth
At swindge commaund her.
Yet slaues made to their Lusts, and Hell
They shall but here, like Giants dwell,
And breede but flames, and Thunder
To beate them vnder their owne Hils,
Their sweetes turnd Torments, their Goods, ils,
Thy Race, their Enuies wonder.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, &c.
Exult, and triumph then in all
Thy thoughts intended,
Which heauen did into Ioies exhall
For thee, ascended.
If not a haire, Much lesse a thought
Shall losse claime, of what Goodnesse ought,
But shine in heauen together;
Whose ioies (to truely-studied soules)
Shall shine euen here, like ashe-kept Coles,
Laid open gainst the weather.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, &c.
Knowledge, not fashiond here to feele
Heauens promist pleasure;
In lifes sea, is a turnd-vp Keele
With all her Treasure:
Not One, return'd from Death, to tell
The Ioies of Heauen, the paines of Hell,
Can ad to that relation;
Which (possible impulsions vs'd)
The Soule knowes here: and spirits infus'd,
Farre past her first creation.
Earth, Seas, the Aire, &c.
Infuse this into his deare kinde,
Truth's free vnfolder:
With Fire that first informd the minde,
Now nothing coulder.
For which the Thrice Almighty One:
The Spirit , Sire, and word still done:
Praise giue, that gifts transcendeth.
Despisd soules, Comfort with thy loue:
In whom, with thy first motion moue,
Till in fixt truth it endeth:
Earth, Seas, the Aire, and Heauen, O heare,
These Rites of ours, that euery yeare,
We vow thy Herse:
And breath the flames of soules intire,
Thrice het with heauens creating Fire,
In deathlesse verse,
Explicit Hymnus.
With this, Eugenia , from her Trance arose
And in her loues assur'd Ioies did repose,
Her Noble Sorrowes, being assur'd with al
That no effect did memorably fall,
From his Renown'd Example, but was found
In his true Sonne, and would in him resound.
Then left she straight Fames loftie region:
Stoop't Earth, and vowd to dwell with him, or None,
Whom since the Muses, Vertues, Graces now,
Of force must follow (sweete Lord) be not you
Carelesse of them, that she esteemd so deare:
For howsoeuer they to Earth appeare,
Where in their Truth they are, and are not prisd,
In them, is true Religion despisd.
Remember your Religious Father then,
And after him: Be you the man of men.
To these, the Night, thus short sem'd, and thus bare
Was euery clamorous worldling, at his care,
Care cried in Citties, and in Countries ror'd:
Now was the soule, a Toie: Her gifts abhor'd,
All Ornament, but brauery, was a staine:
Nought now akinne to wit, but Cosening Gaine.
Crafts, and Deceipts enricht, made Arts so poore:
Which Artists seeing: Rich apparraile wore
And bore out Art, Light's onely made for show
And show for lightnesse; Grauest Booke Men now
Most rich in show bee, for their approbation,
And neuer swagger, but in sacred Fashion.
Looke blancke on good life: and point-blancke on Thrift:
He that is richest, hath the wholiest gift.
In Night Men dreame: Day best showes what is fit;
Learning was made for Gaine, Not Gaine, for it.
Now bellies deafned eares, in euery streete,
And backs bore more then heads, heads more then feete.
Explicit Eugeniae Ecstasis Musa quae Inuidia?
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