A Vision
In sight o' The Promis'd Land do I now stand
The Happy Valley spreads beneath my ken
The Everlasting Hills on either hand
Forever bar the foot of hostile men.
Thus did I write, when in an ecstasy—
A vision glorious of the great Unknown—
The Future op'd her veiléd womb to me
And show'd me happy in my happy home.
Thus did I write, and thro' my prison bars
Floated a being cloth'd in radiant light
Her head encircl'd was with seven stars
With cincture of opal was her form bedight.
“I the Spirit of Liberty am”—She lisp'd
And as She sail'd away her white hand kiss'd.
The Happy Valley spreads beneath my ken
The Everlasting Hills on either hand
Forever bar the foot of hostile men.
Thus did I write, when in an ecstasy—
A vision glorious of the great Unknown—
The Future op'd her veiléd womb to me
And show'd me happy in my happy home.
Thus did I write, and thro' my prison bars
Floated a being cloth'd in radiant light
Her head encircl'd was with seven stars
With cincture of opal was her form bedight.
“I the Spirit of Liberty am”—She lisp'd
And as She sail'd away her white hand kiss'd.
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