The Voice of Freedom

Americans attend to Freedom's cry!
Who scorns her voice deserves to die.
" The wretched tools of tyranny conspire
" To set America's fair realms on fire;
" That I in flames of discord may expire!
" But oh my sons, should hell itself combine
" With foes to Freedom, in their fell design,
" If you're united in one faithful band,
" Like everlasting mountains you shall stand,
" Whose bases rest on God's almighty hand!
" Strong Union's blow shall drive them to the deep,
" As from the wall, your brooms the cobwebs sweep.
" But disunited , you will shortly mourn
" Fair Liberty from your embraces torn;
" And curse the fatal day that you were born.
" In galling Chains, for murd'rers you must toil,
" Who for your pain, will ne'er bestow a smile:
" In vain you'll then to heav'n for succor cry:
" When Freedom's day of grace is once past by.
" Base slaves you'll live, like malefactors die![ " ]
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