Voyage of AEneas continued -
Here bulg'd the Pride of fam'd Ulysses ' Fleet,
But good Æneas 'scap'd the Fate he met.
As to the Latian Shore the Trojan stood,
And cut with well-timd Oars the foaming Flood:
He weather'd fell Charybdis: But e're long
The Skies were darken'd, and the Tempest strong
Then to the Libyan Coast he stretches o'er;
And makes at length the Carthaginian Shore.
Here Dido , with an hospitable Care,
Into her Heart receives the Wanderer.
From her kind Arms th' ungrateful Hero flies;
The injur'd Queen looks on with dying Eyes,
Then to her Folly falls a Sacrifice.
Æneas now sets Sail, and plying gains
Fair Eryx , where his Friend Acestes reigns:
First to his Sire does fun'ral Rites decree,
Then gives the Signal next, and stands to Sea;
Out-runs the Islands where Volcano's roar;
Gets clear of Syrens , and their faithless Shoar:
But looses Palynurus in the Way;
Then makes Inarime and Prochyta .
But good Æneas 'scap'd the Fate he met.
As to the Latian Shore the Trojan stood,
And cut with well-timd Oars the foaming Flood:
He weather'd fell Charybdis: But e're long
The Skies were darken'd, and the Tempest strong
Then to the Libyan Coast he stretches o'er;
And makes at length the Carthaginian Shore.
Here Dido , with an hospitable Care,
Into her Heart receives the Wanderer.
From her kind Arms th' ungrateful Hero flies;
The injur'd Queen looks on with dying Eyes,
Then to her Folly falls a Sacrifice.
Æneas now sets Sail, and plying gains
Fair Eryx , where his Friend Acestes reigns:
First to his Sire does fun'ral Rites decree,
Then gives the Signal next, and stands to Sea;
Out-runs the Islands where Volcano's roar;
Gets clear of Syrens , and their faithless Shoar:
But looses Palynurus in the Way;
Then makes Inarime and Prochyta .
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