The Voyage and the Venture

O TO set forth and not to swerve,
Press forward — early, late! —
Thus I, and yet they also serve,
'Tis said, who stand and wait;
Who wait to hear the Master's charge,
As I, that pause and rest
By this great restless ocean's marge,
Do also urge the quest: —

A quest unknown, pursued through all,
As ships brave storm and stress,
Nor e'er did greater hap befall
In old sea voyages;
For, compass'd in the flight of thought
What has been or shall be,
I pass beyond whate'er have wrought
The heroes of the sea.

The ships of Colchis slip behind
Through golden seas of dream;
Columbus in the glass of mind
Sees all his Indies gleam;
De Gama dares the burning Cape
Through gorgeous zones of day,
Appeasing that portentous shape
Which looms to bar his way.

O Colchis, keep thy fleece of gold!
O western world, retain
Thine Inca's secret wealth untold!
And thou, far southern main,
Fold all thy jewell'd shores in mist
From Cape to austral pole:
With brilliant, topaz, amethyst,
Tempt eyes — but not the soul!

Those sea-kings safe in harbours far
Found anchor long ago;
Set forth where further ventures are
Which future ages shew.
The secret of the poles lay bare,
The flight of men with wings,
And past the highest tracts of air
Declare star travellings.

When sounding tocsins, far beyond,
To greater aims adjure —
Which hold man's higher soul in bond —
Will frozen zones allure?
Nay, nor the eagle's wings uplift,
Nor stars, nor suns extend,
Though past all starry paths we drift,
The lights of our great end.

So therefore days and nights dissolve
By this low-breathing sea,
While here I pause and still revolve
Voyage and venture free!
Dim main, through all my dream intone;
And far through paths untrod,
Sung on by all life's voices, lone
Let me embark for God.

I know not when my quest comes true,
I seek, I know not Whom,
Ah, life's end, if I only knew,
I should know all life's doom!
Light of the endless East and West,
Shine on me here as there;
The signs at least of this great quest
Are round me everywhere!
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