Vrom Hinton


(1) Ah! then at the feäst, at the cool evenentide,
I walk'd on wi' you, an' zome mwore at my zide:
Your cousin, an' Harry, an' Meäry that died,
(2) In zummer wi' dew.
(1) An' there we did zing all the way down the hill
To Pentridge, along by the moon-sheäded mill,
Where water, a-flouzen, did leäve the wheel still.
(2) In zummer wi' dew, where cows wer at rest;
An' over the water, an' over the grass,
An' over the road where ageän we do pass,
Did zweep the soft wind o' the west.

(1) The house that, at Pentridge, did then gi'e a smoke,
Wer mossy's the elem, but firm as the woak,
A-screenen the glossy-heäir'd heads o' young vo'k,
(2) In zummer wi' dew.
(1) But now vor the house-climben vine is noo wall;
An' now vor the cribs o' sweet haÿè is noo stall;
An' where the barn-vloor wer a-sheenen do vall
The cwold zummer dew;
(2) an' gilcups be bright;
An' still by the rushes, an' still by the zedge,
An' still by the path vrom the river's green edge,
Do zweep the soft wind o' the night.

(1) An' now I mid goo where the hill do zink low,
An' on where the clote-ridden river do flow,
An' over the vields that my bwoyhood did know,
(2) In zummer wi' dew.
(1) But whither? the house is a-gone, ev'ry stwone.
To whom? where the vo'k be noo longer my own.
Vor what? where my callen wer never a-known,
(2) In zummer wi' dew, wi' zwallows on wing,
While still by the stile, an' along by the bank,
And along by the leäne wi' the elems in rank,
Do zweep the soft wind o' the spring.
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