We are Bought with a Price

We are bought with a price, we are not our own,
We are heav'n's happy children now;
Jesus blood has been shed for our sin to atone,
And his seal is upon each brow.
He has purchas'd each one, the dear Prince of Peace,
There is room 'round his throne for all;
And he asks you to come into heav'n's pure bliss,
Ere the shadows about you fall.
On the cross, on the cross our dear Saviour died;
We are bought with a price, we to God belong,
Let us work for him ev'ry day;
We can tell burden'd souls of the Saviour's love,
We can point to the narrow way
With his blood he has bought our souls;
We will bury our sins in its deep red tide,
And rejoice while eternity rolls.
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