We'll Soon be There

We have a home eternal,
A house not made with hands;
Upon the Rock of Ages,
Its sure foundation stands
Our faith from Pisgah's mountain
Can see its portals fair,
Oh, blessed home eternal,
We have a home eternal,
A home with splendor bright,
Where Jesus reigns triumphant,
And Jesus is the light;
Along the crystal river,
The Tree of Life so fair,
Its golden fruit is waving,
That home our Lord has purchased,
His blood the price has paid:
And numbers without number,
In spotless robes arrayed,
With shouts proclaim his mercy,
With shouts his love declare,
Oh, joy beyond expressing,

Praise God, we'll soon be there.
A few more toils and trials,
A few more storms to bear,
And all will then be over,
Praise God, we'll soon be there
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