The Whale

Now I will fashion the tale of a fish,
With wise wit singing in measured strains
The song of the Great Whale. Often unwittingly
Ocean-mariners meet with this monster,
Fastitocalon, fierce and menacing,
The Great Sea-Swimmer of the ocean-streams.
Like a rough rock is the Whale's appearance,
Or as if there were swaying by the shore of the sea
A great mass of sedge in the midst of the sand dunes;
So it seems to sailors they see an island,
And they firmly fasten their high-prowed ships
With anchor-ropes to the land that is no land,
Hobble their sea-steeds at ocean's end,
Land bold on the island and leave their barks
Moored at the water's edge in the wave's embrace.
There they encamp, the sea-weary sailors,
Fearing no danger. They kindle a fire;
High on the island the hot flames blaze
And joy returns to travel-worn hearts
Eager for rest. Then, crafty in evil,
When the Whale feels the sailors are fully set
And firmly lodged, enjoying fair weather,
Suddenly with his prey Ocean's Guest plunges
Down in the salt wave seeking the depths,
In the hall of death drowning sailors and ships.
Such is the manner of demons, the devils' way,
Luring from virtue, inciting to lust,
By secret power deceiving men's souls
That they may seek help at the hands of their foes
And, fixed in sin, find abode with the Fiend.
Sly and deceitful, when the Devil perceives
Out of hell-torment that each of mankind,
Of the race of men, is bound with his ring,
Then with cunning craft the Dark Destroyer
Takes proud and humble who here on earth
Through sin did his will. Seizing them suddenly
Shrouded in darkness, estranged from good,
He seeks out hell, the bottomless abyss
In the misty gloom; even as the Great Whale
Who drowns the mariners, sea-steeds and men.
A second trait has he, the proud Sea-Thrasher,
Even more marvelous: when hunger torments
And the fierce Water-Monster is fain of food,
Then the Ocean-Warden opens his mouth,
Unlocks his wide jaws, and a winsome odor
Comes from his belly; other kinds of fish
Are deceived thereby, all eagerly swimming
To where the sweet fragrance comes flowing forth.
In unwary schools they enter within
Till the wide mouth is filled. Then swiftly the Whale
Over his sea-prey snaps his grim jaws.
So is it with him in this transient time
Who takes heed to his life too late and too little,
Letting vain delights through their luring fragrance
Ensnare his soul till he slips away,
Soiled with sin, from the King of glory.
Before them the Devil after death's journey
Throws open hell for all who in folly
Fulfilled the lying lusts of the flesh
Against the law. But when the Wily One,
Expert in evil, has brought into bonds
In the burning heat those cleaving to him
Laden with sins, who during their life-days
Did his bidding, on them after death
His savage jaws he snaps together,
The gates of hell. Who gather there
Know no retreat, no return out thence,
Any more than the fishes swimming the sea
Can escape from the grip of the Great Whale.
Therefore by every means (should every man
Serve the Lord God) and strive against devils
By words and works, that we may behold
The King of glory. In this transient time
Let us seek for peace and healing at His hands,
That we in grace may dwell with Him so dear
And have His bliss and blessedness for ever!
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