What is great God! and what is not


What is great God ! and what IS NOT ,
Should BE , and NOT BE , to thy Praise:
Then, if my Non-Existence should but raise,
Thy Glory, I'm content thy Hand should blot
Me from the Rank of Being, and conclude my Days.
'Tis owing to thy Glory that I AM ,
And fit I should NOT BE , if that might raise thy Name.
Should I relapse to Nothing, scarce
Would it appear a Blank in thy vast Universe.


Thou art th' eternal Source and Spring
Of Being and of Possibility.
Thy wise omnific Hand can bring
Non-Entity TO BE :
Then with a Sov'reign Nod Thou can'st remand
The vast Productions of thy Hand,
To dreary Nothing whence they came, — —
And be it so, if that might glorify thy Name!


Ah! what are Worlds compar'd with Thee,
Great everlasting A LL !
But Atoms hov'ring in the Air,
Bubbles and Vanity,
That at thy great Command appear,
And at thy Word to nothing fall,
Whose Pleasure gives them Leave TO BE .
Thou viewest, independent, from on high,
A Sparrow or a Hero die,
Atoms or Systems moulder into Dust,
And now a World, and now a Bubble burst.


Yet since Thy Hand did build my Frame
With Pow'r and Skill Divine,
And in my Life Thy glorious Name
Does more illustrious shine;
O! let me still exist, — — But to Thy Praise,
That out of Nothing did me raise.
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