What while there of wine and winehouse Name and trace shall still be

What while there of wine and winehouse Name and trace shall still be,
Dust upon the Magian Elder's Path our face shall still be.

When thou passest by our grave-head, [In our name] ask blessing;
For the Mecca of the topers All the place shall still be.

From all time, the Magian Elder's Slave-ring in mine ear was;
As we were, we are and even Thus the case shall still be.

Go, proud zealot! For this myst'ry From thine eye and mine is
Hid and hidden, while endureth Time-and-Space, shall still be.

Drunk, to-day my lover-slaying Turk went forth I wonder,
From what victim's eyes the heart's blood Shed apace shall still be?

Yea, the place of their prostration, For the folk of vision,
Wheresoever is the foot-mark Of thy pace, shall still be.

Till the Judgment-morn, that night-tide, When for thee of longing
Died it, from mine eye Time pow'rless To efface shall still be.

If this fashion Hafiz' fortune Aid him, the Beloved's
Tresses in the hand of others, More of grace, shall still be.
Author of original: 
Khwaja Shams-ad-din Muhammad Hafiz
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