When I Wor Young

When I wor young, we used to plaay
At pleasant gaames the livelong daay;
We laffed, an' danced, an' raaced about,
By night time allers tired out.
But when the morning come again,
We started off wi' might and maain,
An maade the sunny meadows ring,
While happily we'd plaay an' sing.

'Ere we goa gatherin' nuts an' maay,
Nuts an' maay, nuts an' maay,
'Ere we goa gatherin' nuts an' maay,
On a cold and frosty mornin'.

I think perhaps of all the rest,
I liked to plaay at marbles best,
At little-ring or laggy-last:
The gaames went furious an' fast,
Lest somebody wi' cunnin' plot
Should slive along an' mush the lot.

Eene Mene Mina Mo,
Erika Terika Tiny Toe,
Umpsy Bumpsy Staggery One,
One, Two, Three, and out goes she.

In winter time upon our pond,
Of slidin' I wor allers fond;
An' when at last I larnt to skaate,
I used to set the fastest raate.
Besides, we 'ad sich 'eaps o' fun.
To snowball fights we'd truant run;
While Christmas, wi' its merry chimes.
Meant gaames, an' toys, an' jolly times.

Ooats an' beeans an' barley mow,
Ooats an' beeans an' barley mow,
Do you or I or anyone know
'Ow ooats an' beeans an' barley grow?

But after winter comes the spring,
When flowers bud and birds do sing,
When suddenly wi' noisy shout,
The tops an' hoops come rollin' out.
An' when 'owd March's breezes wild
Begin to raage, then ivery child
Is busy workin' dark an' light,
To see who 'ez the biggest kite.

First the farmer sows 'iz seed,
Then 'e stands an' taakes 'iz 'eed.
Stamps 'iz foot, an' claps 'iz 'and,
An' turns around to view the land;
Waatin' for a partner,
Waatin' for a partner.
Oppen the ring an taake one in,
'Ee's waatin' for a partner.

An' when at last the summer caame,
Our daays wor all a pleasant gaame.
For outer school we'd madly raace
Towards our favourite bathin' plaace,
To splash an' dash an' swim about.
Then in the sun laay baskin' out,
Or to the haay-fields we should roam,
An' ride upon the wagons hoam.

Orange an' Lemon,
Call no one a demon.
I owe you three-farthings,
But when shall I pay you?
When I get rich, wi' plenty of money.
'Ere comes a candle to light you to bed;
'Ere comes a hatchet to chop off your head.

But now them daays is by an' gone,
An' all my games, alas, is done.
I niver plaay at marbles now.
Nor try to run a trundle bow;
But still, I love on sunny daays
To see 'ow other children plaays,
An' 'ear 'em sing agen wi' glee
Them songs wot soa enchanted me.

Now you're married you must obey,
You must be true to all you say;
You must be kind an' very good,
An' 'elp your wife to chop the wood.
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