When the woodlands are covered with leaves and flowers

When the woodlands are covered with leaves and flowers,
In the loveliest time of the year;
When the sky is now clear, and now checkered with showers,
And life rambles on through the warm sunny hours,
Undimmed with a shade or a tear;
O, sweet are the feelings that kindle and burn
As we gaze on the flowers and the sky;
But to higher and purer devotion they turn,
As water takes tint from the hue of its urn,
When they burn in the light of thine eye

And when, in the calm of a moonshiny night,
A serenade steals o'er the bay,
As it curls in the smile of her mellowest light,
Or lies in its beauty, as silent and bright
As it slept in the sunshine of day, —
O, sweet is the clear and silvery tone,
As it softly comes over my ear;
But sweet as it breathes when I hear it alone,
It breathes like a flute by a wind-spirit blown,
When I know thou art listening near.

O, the music and beauty of life lose their worth,
When one heart only joys in their smile;
But the union of hearts gives that pleasure its birth,
Which beams on the darkest and coldest of earth,
Like the sun on his own chosen isle;
It gives to the fireside of winter the light,
The glow, and the glitter of spring.
O, sweet are the hours when two fond hearts unite,
And softly they glide, in their innocent flight,
Away on a motionless wing.
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