Where I join issue, as Fleet Street would say

Where I join issue, as Fleet Street would say,
Is really on account of you, One-Way!
Your onewayness is threatened, that's the fact!
At least it's tampered with. You'll be debacked
If you're not very careful! And your " will",
Why that's wiped out entirely. When you kill
Or steal or whatnot, why no " will" precedes
The act. You hunger as a Robot feeds!
But this is very bad! It's worse than that —
They'll have you yet, or I will eat my hat!
Truffles you are to them, cheap truffles too.
I cannot think as yet what's best to do.
They've marked you down for robothood, it's no use,
You'll be the slave of a collective neo-Croesus,
Calling themselves this abstract name or that —
Chief Agent of the Proletariat —
Wherever it occurs it comes that way,
With awful benevolence they take up sway.
Great democrats they are, demotic tags
Sprout from their mouths, they affect in public rags
Almost, or homespun — sweatshirts and apache caps.
They are not " One of Our Conquerors", but just " nice chaps"!
" Your rugged individualism must go"!
They tell you. And they take it at one blow!
But first they teach you that you are just nix,
And wear you down with barbarous pinpricks.
The philosophy of a full-blown automaton
Is cooked up for you: and then one by one
All pleasant things removed from out your reach.
They show you hunger. Nonentity they teach.
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