While o'er our guilty Land, O Lord

1. While o'er our guilty land, O Lord, We view the terrors of thy sword;
3. On thee, our guardian God, we call, Before thy throne of grace we fall,
While heaven its fruitful showers denies, And nature round us fades and dies;
And is there no deliverance there? And must we perish in despair?
2. While clouds collecting o'er our head Seem charged with wrath to smite us dead,
4. See, we repent, we weep, we mourn, To our forsaken God we turn;
Oh! Whither shall the helpless fly? To whom but thee direct their cry?
O spare our guilty country, spare The church which thou hast planted here.

5. Revive our withering fields with rain,
Let peace compose our land again,
Silence the horrid noise of war!
O spare a guilty people, spare!

6. These pleas, by faith urged at thy throne,
Have brought ten thousand blessings down
On guilty lands in helpless woe;
Let them prevail to save us too!
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