
Whip Poor Will! Was there ever heard
Such a blood-thirsty, slanderous, scandalous bird!
Under the window so slyly to creep,
And whistle " come whip him " while Will's asleep.
It's a bird of darkness, and not of day,
That whistles a hint that he dare not say.

Whip Poor Will! Why, what has he done?
Has he found your eggs, ma'am, and broken one?
Has he torn his jacket, or fought at play,
Or missed his lesson, or run away,
Or broken a tumbler, or scratched the chairs,
Or choked at table, or spoken at prayers?

No, Willie's a boy that's nice and neat,
And Willie's a boy that's bright and sweet;
He's quiet at home and he's quick at school,
And he never breaks, if he knows, the rule;
And I really think it were wondrous silly
For nothing at all to whip poor Willie!

But, Whip-poor-will, if you've really seen
Another Willie that's bad and mean,
And you think you ought, and think 'twill " pay, "
To whip poor Willie, why whip away.
And so good-by to your birdship till
There's more occasion to whip our Will!
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