Willam the Teller or Ludibundus Arminius or Trillion Bills the GNP

William the Teller or Ludibundus Arminius or Trillion Bills the GNP
Uncertified public accountant or radically defeated Catho-Commy Coalition candidate for the office of City Chronologer
Semi-pro shortstop until woke up one morning an incurable southpaw
Employee of the circus management or Holder of all pit passes or Willy the Penguin (wings to swim with) or double Carolinian
Former senior watch officer or Indian agent or magister artium duplex
Arbiter of the barbecue (swineflesh division) or Wart healer
Anonymous author of Standard Operating Procedures for Ships of the Fleet Command of the Navy of the Republic of Vietnam (Saigon, 1966)
Anonymous co-editor of Public Health Service air-pollution manuals Particulate Emission Control & Sulphur Oxide Emission Control
Bat out of hell & loom-fixer general

O weary reck'ning.
So am I he the very Mister W. H.
Wm. Harmon twenty-nine years of age in insurable health
going around the world
& noting down the manifest of things

26 December 1961 visited Hiroshima

The catalogue of cities makes a poem of woe a hundred thousand hours long
of hunger in the shrunken hearts of the poor & spite in the bloated hearts of those no longer poor
& Nagasaki one afternoon in 1962
small glass of brandy in a coffee house
where Beethoven's 9th Symphony was played on a phonograph
& I imitated a haiku of Basho for a bird-girl
to wit:
which amounts to Nagasaki! Nagasaki! Nagasaki!

October 1964 flew into Gibraltar where the airstrip looks like it's too short
& walked around heartbreaking Algeciras all afternoon staring at the fascists
rode a dusty bus to Cadiz & had a glass of beer there & flew out of Seville a few mornings later absolutely
into the grandest sunrise I ever saw
to Paris & on to London & then on home to Londonderry
& lists of things

Flying home another time Trans-World Airlines 8 February 1967 from Vietnam
at noon plugged myself into Channel 6 of the Star-Stream Theatre
just as we were catching sight of the great South China Sea
heard in my head Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 & burst into tears
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