Willie and Lady Margerie

Sweet Willie was a widow's son,
And he wore a milk-white weed O;
And weel could Willie read and write,
Far better ride on steed O.

Lady Margerie was the first ladye
That drank to him the wine O;
And aye as the healths gaed round and round,
Laddy, your love is mine O.

Lady Margerie was the first ladye
That drank to him the beer O;
And aye as the healths gaed round and round,
Laddy, ye're welcome here O.

You must come intill my bower
When the evening bells do ring O;
And you must come intil my bower
When the evening mass doth sing O.

He 's ta'en four-and-twenty braid arrows
And laced them in a whang O;
And he 's awa' to Lady Margerie's bower
As fast as he can gang O.

He set his ae foot on the wa'
And the other on a stane O;
And he 's kill'd a' the King's life guards,
He 's kill'd them every man O.

Oh open, open, Lady Margerie,
Open and let me in O;
The weet weets a' my yellow hair
And the dew draps on my chin O.

With her feet as white as sleet
She strode her bower within O;
And with her fingers lang and sma'
She 's looten sweet Willie in O.

She 's louted down unto his foot
To lowze sweet Willie's shoon O;
The buckles were sae stiff they wadna lowze,
The blood had frozen in O.

O Willie, O Willie, I fear that thou
Hast bred me dule and sorrow;
The deed that thou hast done this nicht
Will kythe upon the morrow.

In then came her father dear
And a braid sword by his gare O;
And he 's gi'en Willie, the widow's son,
A deep wound and a sair O.

Lye yont, lye yont, Willie, she says,
Your sweat weets a' my side O;
Lye yont, lye yont, Willie, she says,
For your sweat I downa bide O.

She turned her back unto the wa',
Her face unto the room O;
And there she saw her auld father
Fast walking up and doun O.

Woe be to you, father, she said,
And an ill deid may you die O;
For ye've kill'd Willie, the widow's son,
And he would have married me O.

She turned her back unto the room,
Her face unto the wa' O;
And with a deep and heavy sich
Her heart it brak in twa O.
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