Wisdom's Threatening

WISDOM exalts her voice again,
I tremble at her awful strain:
With look severe, and anger's tone,
She makes divine resentment known:
" Sinners, attend once more; astonish'd hear
" The threatning I denounce; its vengeance fear.

" Oft I have publish'd God's command,
" Oft I have wav'd my pleading hand,
" My eloquence I oft have try'd,
" And mercy's every means apply'd.
" But, unregarding, from my voice you turn'd,
" Scoff'd at my counsels, and my promise spurn'd

" I too will scoff, at your distress
" When mazing fears your souls oppress:
" Scorn for your scorn I will repay,
" In evil's desolating day;
" When the black storm, long swelling o'er your " heads,
" Impetuous bursts, and swift destruction spreads.

" By sickness in her chain confin'd,
" Raving in agony of mind,
" While death stands levelling his dart,
" Eager to bathe it in your heart;
" To me, for resuge, you in vain shall fly,
" Me importune with unavailing cry.

" Your deeds of sin, and wit profane,
" Then bitterly bewail'd in vain,
" Inflam'd with glowing guilt shall rise,
" And flash my terrors in your eyes.
" Wrath in full measure by yourselves prepar'd,
" Obdurate sinners, shall your crimes reward. "
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