The Witch
You cannot build again what you have broken,
You cannot bind the words your lips have spoken.
You broke the golden bowl and shattered it,
You put away Remembrance in a pit.
You sprinkled earth, you wove a spell and sang,
And on its grave certain red lilies sprang.
You watered them with a betrayed man's tears,
And found them fair. God sent you sighs and fears.
You bent them to your lust and made them be
Food for your Hell-imagined ecstasy.
You took Remorse and strangled it by night,
And sank it in a well. You bound Delight
And brought it home: the cord that held it fast
Was the forgetfulness of kindness past.
You took the price of him you had betrayed
And bought you toys and decked yourself and played
Like any child: you were all soft and sweet;
Your lovers watched your little dancing feet
With glowing eyes, too lover-blind to see
In your white hands clasped close the Judas-fee.
You took the price and you have held it still;
And now, far off, you see Heaven on a hill,
And dream of peace and gates of pearl unlocked—
Poor fool! be not deceived, God is not mocked.
You cannot bind the words your lips have spoken.
You broke the golden bowl and shattered it,
You put away Remembrance in a pit.
You sprinkled earth, you wove a spell and sang,
And on its grave certain red lilies sprang.
You watered them with a betrayed man's tears,
And found them fair. God sent you sighs and fears.
You bent them to your lust and made them be
Food for your Hell-imagined ecstasy.
You took Remorse and strangled it by night,
And sank it in a well. You bound Delight
And brought it home: the cord that held it fast
Was the forgetfulness of kindness past.
You took the price of him you had betrayed
And bought you toys and decked yourself and played
Like any child: you were all soft and sweet;
Your lovers watched your little dancing feet
With glowing eyes, too lover-blind to see
In your white hands clasped close the Judas-fee.
You took the price and you have held it still;
And now, far off, you see Heaven on a hill,
And dream of peace and gates of pearl unlocked—
Poor fool! be not deceived, God is not mocked.
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