Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 101
Thus far may Speculation help a Wit
Vnapt for loue, to write of Loues estate:
Thus far can Art extend hir Benefit
Past Natures Bounds, in shew of Loue, or Hate.
These Loue-tricks are not myne, though myne they be
As they are thus drawne out in louing Lines:
These Passions are too weak to passion me,
Although my strength from ought to nought declines
But whist my Muse, Hypocrisie is sin;
Make me not seem more holy then I am:
My Marrow bones lie Flesh and Bloud within,
All which, by nature, burnes in Beauties Flame;
But, say I am, sith Grace to me is good,
Free from vnkind desires of Flesh and Bloud.
Vnapt for loue, to write of Loues estate:
Thus far can Art extend hir Benefit
Past Natures Bounds, in shew of Loue, or Hate.
These Loue-tricks are not myne, though myne they be
As they are thus drawne out in louing Lines:
These Passions are too weak to passion me,
Although my strength from ought to nought declines
But whist my Muse, Hypocrisie is sin;
Make me not seem more holy then I am:
My Marrow bones lie Flesh and Bloud within,
All which, by nature, burnes in Beauties Flame;
But, say I am, sith Grace to me is good,
Free from vnkind desires of Flesh and Bloud.
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