Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 13
F orbidden-Hopes , the Heauens of my Hell ,
O ceasse your Heau'nly-Hellish Regiment:
My Hart (the Hellish Heau'n wherein you dwell)
You rule at once with ioy, and Dryryment!
Sith Contradictions ye do then maintaine
And that they Reas'n resist that suche defend:
Then o part not my single Hart in twayne,
To make it double for this double end.
The ioyes you yeeld, are forg'd but by Conceite
The griefes you giue haue euer reall byn:
Your pleasures are accomplisht by Deceite ,
Which, with their ending, endlesse Woes begin:
Sith endlesse Woes your ending, pleasures giue,
Dy, dy (damn'd Hopes ) and let me die to liue.
O ceasse your Heau'nly-Hellish Regiment:
My Hart (the Hellish Heau'n wherein you dwell)
You rule at once with ioy, and Dryryment!
Sith Contradictions ye do then maintaine
And that they Reas'n resist that suche defend:
Then o part not my single Hart in twayne,
To make it double for this double end.
The ioyes you yeeld, are forg'd but by Conceite
The griefes you giue haue euer reall byn:
Your pleasures are accomplisht by Deceite ,
Which, with their ending, endlesse Woes begin:
Sith endlesse Woes your ending, pleasures giue,
Dy, dy (damn'd Hopes ) and let me die to liue.
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