Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 19
The Stoicks, in their strange Philosophie,
Make All , and Nothing , nothing but all one;
Who say that this World Is: but yet deny
That it hath any Essence of the owne
But, in our loues (deere Loue) the same is true:
For, Thou, being All , art mine, that Nothing am,
I Nothing am that is not All thy due,
So, All and Nothing's nothing but the same!
Then sith my Nothing , and thy All all's one,
Thou, All, I, Nothing , make an Vnity:
For, All to Nothing hath conuersion;
And, Nothing , vnto All , by sympathie:
Then, neede I ( Nothing ) Thee ( All ) nothing feare
But All, and Nothing still shall One appeare.
Make All , and Nothing , nothing but all one;
Who say that this World Is: but yet deny
That it hath any Essence of the owne
But, in our loues (deere Loue) the same is true:
For, Thou, being All , art mine, that Nothing am,
I Nothing am that is not All thy due,
So, All and Nothing's nothing but the same!
Then sith my Nothing , and thy All all's one,
Thou, All, I, Nothing , make an Vnity:
For, All to Nothing hath conuersion;
And, Nothing , vnto All , by sympathie:
Then, neede I ( Nothing ) Thee ( All ) nothing feare
But All, and Nothing still shall One appeare.
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