Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 26
By Nature , when wee are most cold without
(As in the Winter) wee are hott'st within:
And, hott st without, when cold'st the Hart about:
Thus, in , and out this Hott , and cold do ryn:
The truth hereof I know, too well, you know
To question it; Then, why do you suppose
My Loue is cold within, sith so in show,
When that Show showes you how within it glowes
Wilt thou distrust Affections Miracle
(I per se I) so rauisht with thy Loue
As now I am Loues Forces Spectacle,
Which Cold and Heate (yet cleere in both) do proue?
Then o looke through my cold-cleere Eyes and see,
My Hart still sacrific'd in flames to Thee.
(As in the Winter) wee are hott'st within:
And, hott st without, when cold'st the Hart about:
Thus, in , and out this Hott , and cold do ryn:
The truth hereof I know, too well, you know
To question it; Then, why do you suppose
My Loue is cold within, sith so in show,
When that Show showes you how within it glowes
Wilt thou distrust Affections Miracle
(I per se I) so rauisht with thy Loue
As now I am Loues Forces Spectacle,
Which Cold and Heate (yet cleere in both) do proue?
Then o looke through my cold-cleere Eyes and see,
My Hart still sacrific'd in flames to Thee.
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