Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 3

Yet by the accidentall rising fall
Of one Haires glitt'ring Sunne-beames, on thine Eyes
Mine Eye lookt ouer Heau ns Christall wall
To see from whence that bright Beame should arise;
And, as shee lookt beyond the milky Waie
That leads to Ioues high Court, she might descrie
Ten-thowzand Sunne-beames, rang'd in faire array
With Loue, and Wonder to surprize the Eye:
To which being drawne by those pure Threddes of Gold
Shee, (as the Flie is by the Spider wrapt)
Stirring to go, the more T hey hir infold
So, where she restes, with Loue and Wonder rapt:
Where being blinded with those radiant Raies
I could not see the Rest, the rest to praise.
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