Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 30

If Fire hath oft Barbarian Honors done it,
By reason it resembles so the Sunne
Yet scarse is seene when his Raies ouer-runne it)
What would Barbarians to thine Haire haue donne?
Which (o faire Sweete ! ) oreshines Fire, Sunne and all;
Whose rare resplendance no Eyes can behold
That are not (like it) most Angellicall ,
And being so, will them, in wonder hold.
Then sith that Nature Crown'd Thee with such Light
As makes all Eyes, adoreing, wonder at,
Bee not, o bee not then, in loue, so light
As makes the darke by being This, to That:
My speach is darke; yet what by light I meane
Is more vnconstant, then it is vncleane.
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