Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 72
Deer Sweet who in a bright face Definite
(Being a Spark inflaming Worlds of loue!)
Containes an Heau'n of Beauty infinite:
To which my Thoughts on Wings of Hope, do moue)
Sith that the Sunne (Heau'ns most maiestick Eye)
Disdaines not to behold the basest Worme.
To glad his Soule and grace his vility,
Let your Heau'ns Sunnes the like on me perform
Grace is a Spark of that immortall Flame
Which, being from Heau'n descended knew not where
(In Earth) to enter in a mortall Frame,
But in your Corpse, wherethrough It shineth cleere:
Then, sith Grace glorifies your Forme, and Face,
Grace me with looks, that glorifie your grace.
(Being a Spark inflaming Worlds of loue!)
Containes an Heau'n of Beauty infinite:
To which my Thoughts on Wings of Hope, do moue)
Sith that the Sunne (Heau'ns most maiestick Eye)
Disdaines not to behold the basest Worme.
To glad his Soule and grace his vility,
Let your Heau'ns Sunnes the like on me perform
Grace is a Spark of that immortall Flame
Which, being from Heau'n descended knew not where
(In Earth) to enter in a mortall Frame,
But in your Corpse, wherethrough It shineth cleere:
Then, sith Grace glorifies your Forme, and Face,
Grace me with looks, that glorifie your grace.
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