Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 74
Some, blaze the pretious beauties of their Loues
By precious Stones; and, other some by flowrs;
Some, by the Planets, and Celestiall Powres;
Or, by what els their Fancy best approoues,
Yet, I, by none of these will blazon mine;
But, onely sale hir selfe, hir selfe is like:
For, those Similitudes I much mislike
That are much vsed, though they be diuine
In saying she is like hir selfe, I say
Shee bath no like; for, shee is past compare:
Then, who, aright commends this creature rare,
Must say Shee is: and there, of force, must staie,
Because, by words, Shee cannot be exprest;
So, say shee is, and wondring, owe the rest.
By precious Stones; and, other some by flowrs;
Some, by the Planets, and Celestiall Powres;
Or, by what els their Fancy best approoues,
Yet, I, by none of these will blazon mine;
But, onely sale hir selfe, hir selfe is like:
For, those Similitudes I much mislike
That are much vsed, though they be diuine
In saying she is like hir selfe, I say
Shee bath no like; for, shee is past compare:
Then, who, aright commends this creature rare,
Must say Shee is: and there, of force, must staie,
Because, by words, Shee cannot be exprest;
So, say shee is, and wondring, owe the rest.
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