Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 75

Wee read that Gelon and Pisistratus
Vsurpt tyrannicall dominion
By meanes as violent as vicious:
Yet rul'd with loue, and admiration:
But, loue (that rules the Kingdome of my minde )
Comming in Peace , aright, to that Command
Doth rage therin, and either burne or binde
The Powres therof, that none escapes his Hand:
Then would he Gelon were, for gouernment,
Though he had got the same with sword, and fire:
Then should I be Loues Kingdome of Content ,
That am the flaming Forge of his Desire;
But, rule more mildly, Loue , lest my Minds Powres
Conspire to quench that Flame with thy blouds Showres.
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