To Woman


Not of any wonder
High in heaven clear,
Soaring beyond thunder,
Making for man's ear
Music that falls divinely through the azure sheer;


Not of any skylark
High in heaven I sing:
Loftier than the high lark
With my songful wing
I would travel, seeking yet a fairer thing.


Fairer thing, and sweeter
Than the lark at dawn;
Tenderer, completer, —
Out of God's heart gone;
More silver-voiced than birds, swift-footed as a fawn.


Glorious in the azure,
White above the sea,
Man's supremest pleasure,
Grand in purity,
Woman thou art: and heaven I find, in seeking thee.


Marvellous thy singing;
Sweet thy snow-white form
Ever to man's clinging,
Faithful through each storm,
Every surge of anguish, tender still and warm.


Through the night of trouble,
Through thy long sad past,
Thou hast sung; now double,
Sweet, thy song at last;
Sing, for thy night is over, thine enemies downcast.


Bring to man the gladness
That he fain would know;
Banish all our sadness;
Make an end of woe;
Create a perfect heaven amid thy bowers below.


Sweet, create God's heaven,
Golden, glad, and clear,
In earth's valleys even;
Yea, love, even here:
Bring the divine redemption with thy presence hear.


Be to man a saviour
Gentle-souled and white,
Sweet in pure behaviour,
Glad in modest might;
Assert thy woman's sceptre, claim thy queenly right.


Be to earth a blossom
Soft, divine indeed;
Take man to thy bosom,
Man, in utmost need;
Give to his endless yearning, gentle lady, heed.


Build thy bower of roses,
Golden, sweet, divine
On earth: where love reposes
'Neath ivy and woodbine
Build thou thy palace, made imperishably thine.


Let thy wondrous singing
Sound o'er earthly seas;
Lo! thy voice is ringing
Silver in each breeze
Of summer, and amid the green thick-foliaged trees.


God in thee revealing
All his tender grace
Shines; his love is stealing,
Love, throughout thy face;
Thine hand upon earth's meadows, blossoms in each place.


Where thou art, the lily
Straightway doth appear;
Roses o'er the hilly
Rocky fields and sheer
Bloom; thou bringest eternal glory, sweetheart, here.


All my song I render,
Lady, unto thee;
Worshipping thy splendour,
All thy purity:
Listening to thy low laughter and thy magic glee.


All the bending glory
Of the golden corn,
Crests of billows hoary,
Crimson clouds at morn, —
And all earth's countless splendours, for thy sake are born.


Not, like Shelley's wonder,
Singing in the sky,
Not sad thoughts from yonder
Bringest thou, sweet, nigh;
But only utter gladness laughing in thine eye.


Only utter gladness
Sounding in thy voice,
Now thy former sadness
Letteth thee rejoice,
Having fled back for ever, like a tempest-noise.


Bring us sweet redemption,
Sweet one, in thy breast;
Virtue and exemption
From the weary quest
For what might be more fitting, what the eternal best.


Thou the eternal best art,
Thou the endless queen, —
Thou man's perfect rest art,
Tender, white, serene,
The sweetest of all songsters that have ever been.


Sweetest of all singers,
Softest of all birds,
Flowers within thy fingers,
Laughter in thy words;
Lo! for thy service now his sword man's spirit girds.


Not an angel — fairer;
Lovelier, thou art:
Not a skylark — rarer;
Gifted with a heart
Even more full of songs that down the deep blue dart.


All my heart and fire
Unto thee I bring;
Bless thou, love, my lyre, —
Let it nobly sing
Thee the eternal queen of every poet-king.


All my yearning spirit,
Love, to-night I raise;
Let my soul inherit
At the end of days
That heaven whence thou stoopest, coveting our lays.


For our lays thou lovest,
Though thou art a queen,
Woman; though thou movest
Over floors serene,
Golden in skies untroubled, measureless in sheen.


Yet our songs thou hearest,
And thou dost bestow
Power; yea, love, thou carest
For thy bards below
Snatching at sacred joys they may not fully know.


O thou rose eternal,
Heavenly love, made fair
Not as flowers diurnal, —
Filling all the air
Of purest heaven with fragrance passing man's speech rare;


Take this song and bear it
Through the clouds of night;
For thy garland wear it, —
Smile with smile most bright
Upon my soul, and make it, as thy soul is, white!
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