The Worlde is Changed, and Wee Have Choyces

The : world is changed, & wee haue choyces,
not by most reason, but most voyces;
the Lyon is trampled by the Mouse,
the lower is the vpper house,
& thus from laus orders come,
but now their orders laus frome.

In all humilitye they craue
theire sou er aigne to be their slaue,
beseeching him tha t hee wold bee
betrayd to them most Loyallye;
for it were Meeknesse soe in him
to be a vice-Roy vntoy Pyim.

If tha t hee wold but once Lay downe
his scepter, maiestye, & crowne,
hee shalbe made in time to come
the greatest prince in christendome
Charles, att this time hauing noe neede,
thankes them as much as if they did.

Petitions none must be p re sented
but what are by themselves inuented,
that once a month the thinke it ffitting
to fast from soine because from sittinge;
Such blessings to the Land are sent
by priuiledge of Parlaiment.
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