To the Worlds Mightie Monarch, Good Opinion
Thou soule of Pleasure, Honors only substance,
Great Arbitrator, Vmpire of the Earth,
Whom fleshly Epicures call Vertues essence,
Thou moouing Orator, whose powrefull breath
Swaies all mens iudgements. Great OPINION,
Vouchsafe to guild my imperfection.
If thou but daine to grace my blushing stile,
And crowne my Muse with good opinion:
If thou vouchsafe with gracious eye to smile
Vpon my young new-borne Inuention,
Ile sing an Hymne in honor of thy name,
And add some Trophie to enlarge thy fame.
But if thou wilt not with thy Deitie
Shade, and inmaske the errors of my pen,
Protect an Orphane Poets infancie,
I will disclose, that all the world shall ken
How partiall thou art in Honors giuing:
Crowning the shade, the substance praise depriuing. Sole Regent of Affection, perpetuall Ruler of Iudgement, most famous Iustice of Censures, onely giuer of Honor, great procurer of Aduancement, the Worlds chiefe Ballance, the All of all, and All in all, by whom all things are that that they are. I humbly offer thys my Poem.
Thou soule of Pleasure, Honors only substance,
Great Arbitrator, Vmpire of the Earth,
Whom fleshly Epicures call Vertues essence,
Thou moouing Orator, whose powrefull breath
Swaies all mens iudgements. Great OPINION,
Vouchsafe to guild my imperfection.
If thou but daine to grace my blushing stile,
And crowne my Muse with good opinion:
If thou vouchsafe with gracious eye to smile
Vpon my young new-borne Inuention,
Ile sing an Hymne in honor of thy name,
And add some Trophie to enlarge thy fame.
But if thou wilt not with thy Deitie
Shade, and inmaske the errors of my pen,
Protect an Orphane Poets infancie,
I will disclose, that all the world shall ken
How partiall thou art in Honors giuing:
Crowning the shade, the substance praise depriuing.
Great Arbitrator, Vmpire of the Earth,
Whom fleshly Epicures call Vertues essence,
Thou moouing Orator, whose powrefull breath
Swaies all mens iudgements. Great OPINION,
Vouchsafe to guild my imperfection.
If thou but daine to grace my blushing stile,
And crowne my Muse with good opinion:
If thou vouchsafe with gracious eye to smile
Vpon my young new-borne Inuention,
Ile sing an Hymne in honor of thy name,
And add some Trophie to enlarge thy fame.
But if thou wilt not with thy Deitie
Shade, and inmaske the errors of my pen,
Protect an Orphane Poets infancie,
I will disclose, that all the world shall ken
How partiall thou art in Honors giuing:
Crowning the shade, the substance praise depriuing. Sole Regent of Affection, perpetuall Ruler of Iudgement, most famous Iustice of Censures, onely giuer of Honor, great procurer of Aduancement, the Worlds chiefe Ballance, the All of all, and All in all, by whom all things are that that they are. I humbly offer thys my Poem.
Thou soule of Pleasure, Honors only substance,
Great Arbitrator, Vmpire of the Earth,
Whom fleshly Epicures call Vertues essence,
Thou moouing Orator, whose powrefull breath
Swaies all mens iudgements. Great OPINION,
Vouchsafe to guild my imperfection.
If thou but daine to grace my blushing stile,
And crowne my Muse with good opinion:
If thou vouchsafe with gracious eye to smile
Vpon my young new-borne Inuention,
Ile sing an Hymne in honor of thy name,
And add some Trophie to enlarge thy fame.
But if thou wilt not with thy Deitie
Shade, and inmaske the errors of my pen,
Protect an Orphane Poets infancie,
I will disclose, that all the world shall ken
How partiall thou art in Honors giuing:
Crowning the shade, the substance praise depriuing.
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