Written to Be Sung at the Anniversary of the Knights of Saint Patrick

Ye sons of Saint Patrick, in gratitude met,
To pay the sweet boon, Generosity's debt;
To soften Misfortune's unlimited woes,
'Tis your's whence the current of affluence flows.

Your right noble order, held sacred and just,
Ierne's consign'd to George as a trust;
He tends o'er your rights, with a father's concern,
And the foes of Hibernia ever will spurn.

The genius of Ireland, the star did invest,
To grace the seraphic benevolent breast;
Endow'd it with power to conquer each foe,
And lay the usurpers of liberty low.

But who such an order, as your's, can controul,
Where sympathy springs from the heroic soul?
St. Patrick in heaven, the deed must approve,
When humanity dictates compassion and love.
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