Written on the Road

Out in the sunshine fair and free,
Flecked by the blossoming, re-born tree,
Bathed in the pale, pure light of Spring,
While men look up, and the glad birds sing, —
There, dear friend, let thy reck'ning be,
So let thy birthdays come to thee!

Firm as the tall, brave trunks around;
Full of life as the flower-full ground;
Free as the boughs that sweep the blue;
Bright as the violet's sudden hue; —
So let thy life-long reck'ning be,
So let thy birthdays come to thee!

It was cool and gray in the twilight morn —
A prophecy sweetest — when thou wast born;
And if daylight gathered a cloud or two
That floated beside thee when life was new,
Thy noon will be sunny and clear, I know,
And holy and peaceful thine evening glow —
For good and true shall thy reck'ning be
Till all thy birthdays are come to thee.
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