Ye noble Lords who bravely fight
Ye noble Lords who bravely fight
The good fight of Protection O!
And back your sturdy arguments
With many an interjection O!
Why under the Free Traders' wing
Where shelter is infection O—
Seek ye the very thing ye lose
With such mad predilection O?
Why—think ye thus in petty spite
For ends most impolitic O,
T' o'erwhelm the noble Palmerston
And make him in a jiffy go—
Why, peerless paradoxes thus
With 'larum most horriffic O
Dread ye the bare idea of war,
Yet scorn all things Pacific O?
The good fight of Protection O!
And back your sturdy arguments
With many an interjection O!
Why under the Free Traders' wing
Where shelter is infection O—
Seek ye the very thing ye lose
With such mad predilection O?
Why—think ye thus in petty spite
For ends most impolitic O,
T' o'erwhelm the noble Palmerston
And make him in a jiffy go—
Why, peerless paradoxes thus
With 'larum most horriffic O
Dread ye the bare idea of war,
Yet scorn all things Pacific O?
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