A Yellow-coated pomegranate, figs like lizards' necks
A yellow-coated pomegranate, figs like lizards' necks,
a handful of half-rosy part-ripe grapes,
a quince all delicate-downed and fragrant-fleeced,
a walnut winking out from its green shell,
a cucumber with the bloom on it pouting from its leaf-bed,
and a ripe gold-coated olive—dedicated
to Priapus friend of travellers, by Lamon the gardener,
begging strength for his limbs and his trees.
a handful of half-rosy part-ripe grapes,
a quince all delicate-downed and fragrant-fleeced,
a walnut winking out from its green shell,
a cucumber with the bloom on it pouting from its leaf-bed,
and a ripe gold-coated olive—dedicated
to Priapus friend of travellers, by Lamon the gardener,
begging strength for his limbs and his trees.
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