Yolanda and Marie

In welche soll ich mich verlieben

Which of them shall I fall in love with?
Both of them make my senses swirl.
The mother's still a lovely woman;
The daughter's an enchanting girl.

In those white arms and virgin beauties
My trembling heart is almost caught!
But thrilling too are genial glances
That understand each casual thought.

My heart resembles our gray brother,
Who stands, a jackass self-confessed,
Between two bundles of his fodder,
Deciding which may taste the best.

Vor der Brust die trikoloren

Flowers on your breast — I heed 'em!
For the tricolor explains:
" This proud heart exults in freedom,
And it cannot live in chains. "
Queen Marie, though I adore you,
Listen well, though you are crowned:
Many that have reigned before you
Have been shamefully dethroned!

Jugend, die mir täglich schwindet

Youth is leaving me; but daily
By new courage it's replaced;
And my bold arm circles gaily
Many a young and slender waist.

Some were shocked and others pouted;
Some grew wroth — but none denied.
Flattery has always routed
Lovely shame and stubborn pride.

Yet the best is gone. Too late, I'd
Give my soul for it, in truth.
Can it be the blundering, great-eyed,
Sweet stupidity of youth?
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