On Yonder Bed supinely laid
O N Yonder Bed supinely laid,
Behold thy Lov'd Expecting Maid:
In Tremor, Blushes, half in Tears,
Much, much she Wishes, more she fears.
Take, take her to thy Faithful Arms
Hymen bestows thee all her Charms.
Heav'n to thee Bequeaths the Fair
To raise thy Joy, and lull thy Care;
Heav'n made Grief, if Mutual, cease,
But Joy, divided, to encrease;
To Mourn with her exceeds delight,
Darkness with her, the Joys of Light.
O N Yonder Bed supinely laid,
Behold thy Lov'd Expecting Maid:
In Tremor, Blushes, half in Tears,
Much, much she Wishes, more she fears.
Take, take her to thy Faithful Arms
Hymen bestows thee all her Charms.
Heav'n to thee Bequeaths the Fair
To raise thy Joy, and lull thy Care;
Heav'n made Grief, if Mutual, cease,
But Joy, divided, to encrease;
To Mourn with her exceeds delight,
Darkness with her, the Joys of Light.
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