Younge Cloudeslee

L ISTE : northern Ladds, to blyther things
then yett were brought to light,
p er formed by our Countrymen
in many a ffray and ffight,

of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough,
and william of Clowdeslee,
who were in ffavor w i th the Kinge
ffor all their miserye.

younge william of the wine-sellar,
when yeoman hee was made,
gan ffollowe then his ffathers stepps,
hee loued a bonny mayde.

" gods crosse! " q uo th will ia m, " if I misse,
& may not of her speede,
Ile make 1000 northerne hartes
ffor verry woe to bleede.

gone is hee a wooinge now,
our Ladye will him guide;
to merry mansfeild, will, I trow,
a time hee will abyde.

" Soone dop the dore, ffaire Sislye bright,
I come w i th all the hast;
I am come a wooinge to thee for loue,
heere am I come att Last. "

" I know you not, " q uo th Sisely tho,
" from whence tha t yee be come;
my loue you may not haue, I trow,
I vow by this ffaire sonne.

" ffor why, my loue is ffixt so sure
vpon another wight;
I sweare by sweet Ann, Ile neu er
abuse him out of sight!

" this night I hope to see my loue
in all his pryde and glee;
If there were thousands, none but him
my hart wold ioye to see "

" gods cursse vppon [him,] " younge will ia m sayd,
" before me tha t hath sped!
a ffoule ill on the carryon nursse
tha t ffirst did binde his head! "

gan will iam tho for to p re pare
a medcine ffor the chaffe;
" his liffe, " q uo th hee, " ffull hard my ffare;
hees best to keepe alaffe. "

he drew then out his bright browne sword,
w hi ch was soe bright and keene;
a stouter man & hardyer
neere handled sword, I weene.

" browne tempered Sword & worthye blade,
vnto thy m aster showe,
if thou to tryall thou be put,
how thou canst byde a blowe. "

younge Will ia m to an oke gan hye
w hi ch was in compasse round
well 56 inches nye,
& ffeld itt to the ground.

" soe mote he ffare, " q uo th will ia m tho,
" tha t ffor her loue hath Layde
w hic h I haue loued, & neere did know
him sutor till tha t mayde.

" & now, deere ffather stout & stronge,
william of Cloudeslee,
how happy were thy troubled sonne
if here I might thee see,

" & thy 2 brethren Adam Bell
& Clim of the Cloughe;
against a 1000 men & more
wee 4 wold bee enoughe.

" growne itt is ffull 4 a clocke,
& night will come beliue;
Come on, thou Lorden, sisleys loue!
this night I must thee shriue.

" p re pare thee strong, thou ffowle black calfe!
what ere thou be, I weene
Ile giue thy coxcombe sayke a girde
in mansfeiild as was neuer seene. "

will ia m a young ffawne had slaine
in sherwood merry fforrest;
a ffairer ffawne ffor mans meate
in sherwood was neuer drest.

hee hyed then till a northeren Lasse
not halfe a mile him ffroe,
he said, " dop the dore, thou good ould nursse,
tha t in to thee I goe;

" I ffaint w i th being in the woods;
loe, heere I haue a kidd
w hi ch I haue slaine ffor thee & mee;
come, dresse itt then, I bidd;

" ffeitch bread and other Iolly ffare,
whereof thou hast some store;
a blyther guest this 100 yeere
came neuer heere before. "

the good old naunt gan hye apace
to lett young Will ia m in;
" a happy nursse, " q uo th will ia m then,
" as can be lightlye seene.

" wend till tha t house hard by, " q uo th hee,
" tha ts made of lime and stone,
where is a Lasse, ffaire Cis, " hey said,
" I loue her as my owne

" If thou canst ffeitch her vnto me
tha t wee may merry bee,
I make a vowe, in the fforrest
of deere thou shalt haue ffee. "

" rest then, ffaire S i r, " the woman said,
" I sweare by good S t Iohn
I will bring to you tha t same maid
ffull quicklye and anon. "

" meane [time], " q uo th Will iam , " Ile be Cooke,
to see the ffawne well drest: "
a stouter Cooke did neuer come
w i thin the ffaire fforrest.

thicke blyth old lasse had witt enoughe
ffor to declare his mind;
soe ffast shee hyed, & neere did stay,
but left william behinde,

where will iam like a nimble cooke
is dressing of the ffare,
& ffor this damsell doth hee looke,
" I wold tha t shee weer heere! "

" god speed, blyth Cisley! " q uo th tha t old Lasse.
" god dild yee, " q uo th Cisley, " againe;
how doe yee, naunt Ione? " shee said,
" tell me itt, I am ffaine. "

the good old woman said " weele shee was,
& comen an arrand to you;
for you must to my cottage gone
ffull quickley, I tell you true,

" where wee ffull merry meane to bee
all w i th my elder Ladd. "
when Cisley hard of itt, trulye
shee was exceeding gladd

" gods cursse light on me, " q uo th Cisley tho,
" if w i th you tha t I doe not hye!
I neuer ioyed more, fforsoothe,
then in yo u r Companye. "

happy the good wiffe thought her selfe
tha t of her purpose shee had sped,
& home w i th Sisley shee is came,
soe lightlye they did tread;

& coming in, here will iam soone
had made readye his ffare;
the good old wiffe did wonder much
soe soone as shee came there.

Cisley to will iam now is gone,
god send her Mickle glee,
yett was shee in a maze, god wott,
when shee saw itt was hee.

" had I beene ware, good S i r, " shee said,
" of tha t itt had beene you,
I wold haue stayd att home in sooth,
I tell you verry true. "

" faire Cisley, " said then will iam Kind,
" misdeeme thee not of mee;
I sent not ffor thee to tha t end
to doe the iniurye.

" sitt downe tha t wee may talke awhile,
& eate all of the best,
the ffattest kidd tha t euer was slaine
in merry Sherwood fforrest. "

his louinge words wan Cisley then
w i th him to keepe a while;
but in the meane time Cisleys loue
of her was tho beguile.

a stout & sturdy man hee was
of qualitye & kind,
& knowen through all the north cuntrye
to beare a noble minde.

" but, " q uo th will iam , " doe I care?
if tha t hee meane to weare,
first lett him winne, else neuer shall
he haue the mayd, I sweare. "

ffull softlye is her loue[r] come,
and knocked att the dore:
but tho he mist Cisleys companye,
wher-att hee stampt and swore.

" a mischeeffe on his heart, " q uo th hee,
" tha t hath allured this mayd
to bee w i th him in company! "
he cared not what hee sayd,

hee was soe w i th anger moued,
he sware a well great othe,
" deere shold hee pay if I him knew,
fforsooth & by my trothe! "

gone hee is to ffind her out,
not knowing where shee is;
still wandering in the weary wood
his true loue he doth misse.

will ia m purchased hath the game
w hi ch hee doth meane to hold,
" come, rescew her and if you can,
and dare to be soe bold! "

Att lenght when hee had wandred long
about the fforrest side,
a Candle light a ffurlong of
ffull quickley hee espyed.

then to the house hee hyed him ffast,
where quicklye hee gan heare
the voice of his owne true loue
a makinge bonny cheere.

then gan he say to Cisley tho,
" O Cisley, come away!
I haue beene wandring thee to ffind
since shutting in of day. "

" who calls ffaire Cisley? " q uo th will ia m tho,
" what carle dares be soe bold,
once to aduenture to her to speake
who [I] haue in my hold? "

" List thee, ffaire S i r, " q uo th Cisleys loue,
" lett quickelye her ffrom you p ar t:
ffor all yo ur Lordlye words, Ile sweare
Ile haue her, or Ile make you smart! "

young Will ia m to his bright browne sword
gan quickelye then to take:
" because thou soe doest challenge me,
Ile make thy kingdome quake.

" betake thee to thy weapon stronge,
ffaire time I giue to thee;
& ffor my loue as well as thine
a combatt ffight will I. "

" neuer lett sunn, " q uo th Cisleys loue,
" shine more vpon my head,
If I doe fflye, by heauen aboue,
wert thou a gyant bredd! "

to Bilbo blade got will ia m tho
tha t was both stiffe and stronge:
a stout battell then they ffought,
weer neere 2 houres longe;

where many a greiuous wound was giuen
to eche on either p ar t,
till both the champyons then were droue
almost quite out of hart.

pittyous moane ffaire Cisley made,
tha t all the fforrest ronge;
the greiuous shrikes made such a noyse,
shee had soe shrill a tounge.

att last came in the keep er s 3
w i th bowes and arrowes keene,
where they lett flye among these 2,
a 100 d as I weene.

will ia m strong & stout in hart,
when he had them espyed,
sett on courage ffor his p ar t,
among the thickest hee hyed.

the cheefe ranger of the woods
att ffirst did william smite,
where att one blow he smote his head
ffrom of his shoulders quite.

& being in soe ffuryous teene,
about him then hee Laid,
he slew immedyatlye the wight
was sutor to the mayde.

great moane was then made;
the like was neuer hard,
w hi ch made the people all around
to crye, they were soe ffeard.

" arme, arme! " the cuntrye cryed,
" for gods loue quicklye hye! "
neuer was such a slaughter seene
in all the north countrye.

will ia m still, tho wounded sore,
continued still his ffight
till he had slaine them all 4
tha t verry winters night.

all the contrye then was raysed,
the traitor ffor to take
tha t ffor the loue of Cisley ffaire
had all the slaughter make.

to the woods hyed william tho, —
itt was the best of all his play, —
where in a caue w i th Cisley ffaire
hee liued many a day.

p ro clamation then was sent
the cuntrye all arounde,
" the Lo rd of Mansfeild shold hee bee
tha t ffirst the traytor ffounde."

to the court these tydings came,
where all men doth bewayle
the young & lustye Will ia m
w hi ch soe had made them quaile.

hyed vp william of Cloudeslee
& lustye Adam Bell,
& ffamous Clim of the Cloughe,
w hi ch 3 did them excell:

to the K ing they hyed them ffast,
ffull quicklye & anon,
" mercye, I pray, " q uo th old will iam ,
" ffor william my sonne! "

" no mercye, traitors! " q uo th the K ing ,
" you shall be hanged all 4!
vnder my nose this plott yee haue laid,
to bring to passe before. "

" Insooth, " bespake then Adam Bell,
" ill signe yo u r grace hath seene
of any such com m otyon
since w i th you wee haue beene.

" If then wee can no mercye haue,
but leese both liffe and goods,
of yo u r good grace wee take our leaue,
& hye vs to the woods. "

" arme, arme, " then q uo th the K ing ,
" my merry men euer-eche one,
ffull ffast againe these rebells nowe
[that] vnto the woods are gone! "

" O, woe is vs! what shall wee doe,
or w HI ch way shall wee worke,
to hunt them fforth out of the woods,
soe traiterouslye there tha t lurke?

" list you, " q uo th a counsellor graue,
a wise man he seemed,
" the craued the K ing his p ar don ffree
vnto them to haue deemed. "

" gods fforbott! " q uo th the K ing ,
" I neuer itt will doe!
for they shall hang, eche mothers sonne,
I tell you verry true! "

50000 men were charged
after them ffor to take;
some of them sett in sundrye townes,
in companyes did waite;

to the woods gan some to goe,
in hope to ffind them out;
& them p er force they thaught to take,
if tha t they might ffind them out.

to they woods still they came,
dispatched still they were,
w hi ch made ffull many a trembling hart
& many a man in ffeare.

still the outlawes Adam Bell
& Clim of the Cloughe
made Iolly cheere w i th venison,
stronge drinke & wine enoughe.

" Crist mee blesse! " then said our K ing ,
" such men were neuer knowne;
they are they stoutest harted men
tha t manhood euer shone!

" come, my secretary good,
& cause to be declared
a generall p ar don to them all,
w hi ch neuer shalbe discared.

" liuings plenty they shall haue
of gold & eke of ffee,
If they did as they did before,
come liue in court with mee. "

soddenlye went fforth the newes
declared by trumpetts sound,
wherof these 3 were well advised
in caue as they were in ground.

" but list you, Sirs, " q uo th will ia m younge,
" I dare not trust the Kinge;
itt is some ffeitch is in his head,
wherby to bring vs in.

" nay, stay wee heere, or ffirst lett mee
a messenger bee sent
vnto the Court, where I may know
his maiestyes entent "

this pleased Adam Bell,
" soe wee may liue in peace,
wee are att his most hye com m ande,
& neuer will we cease;

" but if tha t still wee shall be vrged,
& called by traitors name,
& threated hanging for euery thing,
his hignesse is too blame.

" neare had his grace subiects more true
& sturdyer then wee,
w hi ch are att his hignesse will,
god send him well to bee! "

soe to the court is young will ia m gone
to parley w i th the Kinge,
where all men to the Kings p re sence
did striue for to him bringe.

when hee before the K ing was come,
he kneeled downe ffull lowe;
he showed quicklye to the Kinge
what duty they did owe

in such delightffull order blythe,
the K ing was quicklye woon
to comfort them in their request,
as hee before had done.

" ffeitch bread & drinke, " then said his grace,
" & meate all of the best;
& stay all night heere att the court,
& soundlye take thy rest. "

" gramercy to yo u r grace, " said will:
" for p ar don granted, I see "
" for signe thereof, heere take my seale,
& for more certaintye. "

" gods cursse vpon me, " said will ia m,
" for my p ar t if I meane
Euer againe to stirr vp striffe!
itt neuer shalbe seene. "

the Nobles all to Will ia m came,
he were soe stout & trim,
& all the Ladyes for verry ioy
did come to welcome him.

" ffaire Cisley now I haue to wiffe,
in ffeild I haue her woone "
" bring her, for gods loue, " said the all,
" welcome shee shall bee soone "

forth againe went will iam backe,
to woode tha t hee did hye,
& to his ffather there hee shewed
the King his p ar don ffree.

" health to his grace, " said Adam Bell,
" I begg itt on my knee. "
the like said Clim of the Cloughe
& will ia m of Cloudeslee.

to the court they all p re pare
as ffast as they can hye,
where gracyouslye they were receiued
w i th mirth and merry glee.

Cisley ffaire is gone alone
vpon a gelding ffayre;
a p ro perer damsell neuer came
in any courtlye ayre.

" welcome, Cisley! " sayd the Queene,
" & Lady I thee make,
to waite vpon my owne p er son
in all my cheefe estate. "

soe quicklye was the matter done
w hi ch was soe hardlye doubted,
tha t all contentions after that
from court were quicklye rooted.

fauorable was the kinge,
for good they did him ffind;
They neuer after ffought againe
to vex his royall minde.

long time they liued in court
soe neere vnto the Kinge,
tha t neuer after attempted was
offred ffor any thinge.

god aboue, giue all men grace,
in quiett ffor to liue,
& not rebelliouslye abroad
their princes ffor to greeue!

let not the hope of p ar don moue
a subiect to attempt
his soueraignes anger, or his loue,
ffrom him for to exempt;

but tha t all men may readye bee
w i th all their maine and might
to serue the lord, & loue the Kinge,
in honor day and night.
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