You're Not the Only Pebble on the Beach

1. When you see a pretty maiden who has just turn'd seventeen, You
think you'd like to win her for your wife; Don't start the game by saying she's the
sweetest thing you've seen: A young girl's heart's the strangest thing in life. Do not
let her think that you are sure to offer her your hand, She'll
like you better if you're out of reach; No
matter how you love her, give the girl to understand She's
not the only pebble on the beach!
2. While on board a crowded horse-car, on a warm and sultry day, I
saw a maiden overcome with heat; She stood there fifteen minutes, while a
man not far away, Was occupying twice his share of seat. As she
gazed at him, with injured look, she said, in accents low, " Look
here, my man, a moral I will teach; Tho'
you have paid your nickel, there are others, don't you know, You're
not the only pebble on the beach! "
3. I live opposite a maiden, and I know her steady beau, He
tells me that she loves no one but him; He buys her all her dresses and her
jewels, don't you know, In fact he gratifies her ev'ry whim. He is
sure to call on Sundaythro' the week he's on the road I
really think he loves the little peach; If
he could see the rush on Monday nights, I think he'd know He's
not the only pebble on the beach!
1. She's not the only pebble on the beach! That is the sort of lesson
you must teach. If you want to win her hand, let the maiden understand
That she's not the only pebble on the beach!
2. " You're not the only pebble on the beach! For there are others, " said the
little " peach; " " You don't own the car, you know, give a little girl a show,
You are not the only pebble on the beach! "
3. He's not the only pebble on the beach! She has a hundred more with
in her reach! It's because he has the " dough " that she says she loves him so,
But he's not the only pebble on the beach!


I was listening to a talk between two men, the other day,
The conversation ran on married life;
And I was interested as I heard one of them say
He thought that every man should have a wife.
For he said, " My friend, I'm married, and I'm happy as can be;
But dont let it go farther, I beseech!
I haven't seen my darling wife in years, 'twixt you and me,
And there are others like me on the beach! "

There are a lot of others on the beach!
And you can take advice from what I preach:
When on married life you start,
Take a " tip " and live apart,
There are lots of other pebbles on the beach!
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