Zefiro torna, e'l bel tempo rimena
Zephyr the lovely season brings again,
With all her family of herbs and flowers
Progne's [Procne's] soft notes, sad Philomela's strain
And Nature's balmy breath and rosy hours.
The meadows smile, the days are warm and bright,
His children's happiness rejoices Jove
In loving every creature seeks delight,
And Heaven and Earth and Ocean teem with Love.
To me alas! return but deep drawn sighs
Wrung from a heart that hope no longer warms,
For Her who bore its treasures to the skies,
And birds, flowers, spring—the world with all its swarms
Of life—the brave—the beautiful—the wise—
To me are desart [desert] wilds and savage forms!
With all her family of herbs and flowers
Progne's [Procne's] soft notes, sad Philomela's strain
And Nature's balmy breath and rosy hours.
The meadows smile, the days are warm and bright,
His children's happiness rejoices Jove
In loving every creature seeks delight,
And Heaven and Earth and Ocean teem with Love.
To me alas! return but deep drawn sighs
Wrung from a heart that hope no longer warms,
For Her who bore its treasures to the skies,
And birds, flowers, spring—the world with all its swarms
Of life—the brave—the beautiful—the wise—
To me are desart [desert] wilds and savage forms!
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