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Little is known of this Scotish born poet and banker, who brought out The Gods of Africa and other Poems in London in 1912 and whose later poem, "Eve," was first published for a centenary collection of South African verse in 1925. He appears to have lived once in Pretoria. Francis Ernley Walrond was born in Edinburgh and educated at Rugby. He moved to South Africa in 1904 and earned a living there as a bank manager, in Pretoria, it seems, until his retirement in 1934, when he moved to Isipingo, Natal. Walrond was a co-founder of the Veldsingers' Club.
Francis Ernley Walrond's Works:
Walrond, F. E. The Gods of Africa and Other Poems. 1912.
--. Silence Absolute. 1900.
--. The Lady Beautiful. 1906.