Joe Wenderoth is an American poet, writer and professor. His work is widely anthologized, appearing in collections such as: The Anchor Book Of New American Short Stories, Isn't It Romantic, State of the Union, Poetry 180, The Next American Essay, The Best American Prose Poems: From Poe To Present, The Body Electric, The New American Poets: A Bread Loaf Anthology, American Poetry: Next Generation, Best American Poetry, The Best American Essays 2008. In 2003, the One Yellow Rabbit theater company performed an adaptation of Wenderoth's Letters To Wendy's. The adaptation was done by Bruce McCulloch (The Kids in the Hall) and Blake Brooker, both of whom also starred in the production. In 2007, Wenderoth performed in collaboration with Gibby Haynes (Butthole Surfers) in Brooklyn at the Issue Project Room. Wenderoth teaches in the graduate Creative Writing Program at the University of California at Davis.
He is from Baltimore, Maryland, and received his M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College
Joe Wenderoth's Works:
No Real Light (Wave Books, 2007)
It Is If I Speak (Wesleyan University Press, 2000)
Letters to Wendy's (Verse Press, 2000)
Disfortune (Wesleyan University Press, 1995)
The Holy Spirit of Life: Essays Written for John Ashcroft's Secret Self (Wave Books, 2005)
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