To the Learned, Judicious, and My Much-Honoured Alye, Sir Francis Lovell, Knight |
19 May 2014 |
To the Lord Chancellors Retinue and Attendants |
19 May 2014 |
To the Most Bountiful House-Keeper and Deservedly Beloved Thomas Farmer Esquire |
19 May 2014 |
To the Most Compleat Gentleman John Luson Esquire |
19 May 2014 |
To the Most Faire, Most Fortunate, and No Lesse Famous Magdalen Colledge, in Oxford |
19 May 2014 |
To the Most Gracious Prince the Duke of Lennox, &c. |
5 September 2014 |
To the Most Heroick, & Meritoriously Renowned Lord, the Lord Mountjoy, Lord Deputy of Ireland |
5 September 2014 |
To the Most Honorable and Valorous Knight Sir Thomas Erskin &c. |
19 May 2014 |
To the Most Honorable by Vertue, State and Place, Thomas Lord Elesmere, Lord Chancellor of England |
5 September 2014 |
To the Most Honored, Best-Beloved, and Matchlesse Lady, for Honor and Bounty, the Lady Harington |
5 September 2014 |