

There stood nothing to keep us from each
And the world was on all sides
Pushing us together, so we took
Our fears and put them together
For a great fear gives courage.
Fear and not love held us, but I
Remember our fear as a thing of beauty
And to know beauty is to know love.


The heart needs mothering, but the night is no mother.
The soul needs fathering but the day is no father.
Ah I have felt the blow — for the thought of a woman
Runs through my heart like a lonely stream at night.

The Lord Needeth Thee

Jesus, thou needest me,
Even me, thou Light divine;
O Son of God, thou needest me,
Thou needest sins like mine.

Thy fulness needs my want,
Thy wealth my poverty;
Thy healing skill my sickness needs,
Thy joy my misery.

Thy strength my weakness needs,
Thy grace my worthlessness;
Thy greatness needs a worm like me
To cherish and to bless.

Thy life needs death like mine,
To shew its quickening power;
Infinity the finite needs,
Th' eternal needs the hour.

A Love Song


Thy body
a white shell
Thy soul murmurs
Forever of seas unknown.


A ship
By crew and captain
I complain
all day and night
in muddy shallow waters


Furled sails
rusted iron
My silence
Sorrow for deep waters
The champagne of night exploding light


I love thee
Thou sea-gull
about me
Never resting


O whither the island

The First and the Last

Jesus, Sun and Shield art thou;
Sun and shield for ever!
Never canst thou cease to shine,
Cease to guard us never.
Cheer our steps as on we go,
Come between us and the foe.

Jesus, Bread and Wine art thou,
Wine and bread for ever!
Never canst thou cease to feed
Or refresh us never.
Feed we still on bread divine,
Drink we still this heavenly wine!

Jesus, Love and Life art thou,
Life and love for ever!
Ne'er to quicken shalt thou cease,
Or to love us never.

Laus Deo

To the Father be!
Everlasting praises
To the Saviour be!
Everlasting praises
To the Spirit be!
Everlasting praises
To the blessed Trinity!

Everlasting praises
For the Father's love!
Everlasting praises
For the Saviour's love!
Everlasting praises
For the Spirit's love!
Everlasting praises
To the Three-One God of love!

On Love

Love is a Merchandize, and Venus drove
The first Monopoly; Rich only Love.
What cannot fortune hire alas for gold?
When Gods themselves for this are bought and sold?

Christ's Birthday

We mark the day when on us rose,
Like stars, the eyes of our first-born;
We mark the day, when from our side
Our loveliest and our best are torn.

We mark, with mystic ring, the day
Of vows that are the type of heaven,
When, as the Church unto her Lord,
The bride unto the groom is given.

For every friendship, every love,
We have memorial mark and sign; —
And shall we bear less careful heed

From "Home and Mrs. Byron"

O, dearly, I love you my sister Aurusta,
So soft and so gentle, not sullin and crusty;
'Twixt us here shall e'er be constant and true an
Affection like that between Hades and Juan;
That the words shall look off from the page of my glory,
To the Atlantic Monthly for that other story.


Something that makes you feel
Like a fool half the time.
Something that makes you act
Like a mule when he's blind.
Something over which you have
Absolutely no control,
Something that makes your blood hot,
And then it makes it cold.


Something that dulls your senses,
And then sometime make them keen
Something that makes you kind and sweet,

The Mad Lover

I have been in love, and in debt, and in drink
This many and many a year;
And those three are plagues enough one would think
For one poor mortal to bear
'Twas drink made me fall into Love,
And Love made me run into debt,
And though I have strugled and strugled and strove,
I cannot get out of them yet
There's nothing but money can cure me,
And rid me of all my pain
'Twil pay all my debts,
And remove all my lets,
And my Mistris that cannot endure me,
Will love me, and love me again,


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